Working at Heights Course in Dublin: 5 Important Things You Should Know

According to the Health & Safety Authority (HSA), there were 47 fatal work-related accidents in 2019 which is significantly higher than what was recorded in 2018. The most common trigger, the event that caused the accident, was falls from height.

These facts are alarming, especially for those in the construction industry where falls from height are the leading cause of construction worker deaths. They also further show that working at height is a risky activity.

Still, it is inevitable for some workers to perform tasks at elevated places as it is the nature of their job. But there are measures that can be taken to minimize these types of accidents such as letting these workers take the working at heights course.

Working at Heights Course – What Is It?

Working at heights, or work at heights, refers to working in any space that is elevated or above the ground where the person could fall and get injured. Some examples of work-related tasks that fall under this category are working on a flat roof, working on a ladder and working at ground level beside an excavation.

As mentioned earlier, working at heights is dangerous which is why measures should be taken not just for the safety of the person doing the task but everyone in the workplace.

Basically, the working at heights course equips workers with essential information that can help them perform their tasks responsibly and safely. By gaining the required knowledge, they are going to be able to identify and minimize the risks associated with their jobs. Doing these things can mean fewer injuries and deaths due to falls from height.

Who Needs to Take a Working at Heights Course?

Employees and self-employed individuals whose duties or tasks involve being on elevated places should take the working at heights course. It is also open to employees who want to have a better understanding of the risks associated with working at heights and what steps they can take to prevent falls.

Taking the Working at Heights Course Is Mandatory

Under the Work at Height regulations, it is the duty of employers to see to it that employees working at heights are competent to undertake their tasks. One way to ensure that their workers are equipped to perform their tasks safely is to take the working at heights course from a trusted health and safety training provider.

Simply put, taking this course is mandatory for anyone whose work would involve working at elevated places. It is imperative that employers enrol their employees in this course before they start working.

While the duty of training employees rests on the shoulders of employers, employees have the freedom to enrol in a working at heights course on their own for professional advancement or to prepare for a job they are eyeing.

Working at Heights Course Saves Lives

This course is designed to prevent or minimize falls in the workplace and consequently, save lives. On top of learning about working at heights regulations, the participants are going to know how to identify risks associated with working at heights and determine the right action to take to avoid accidents.

Furthermore, they are going to learn how to properly use equipment such as harnesses and ladders that can help them make their tasks easier and safer.

After completing the course, participants are going to have not just the competencies but also the confidence to do their tasks. Moreover, knowing the importance of having a safe work environment, they can be safety advocates and play a crucial role in creating a safety culture in their organisation.

Working at Heights Course Benefits Companies

Ensuring that employees are trained to work at heights is all about complying with the law. Companies that fail to obey regulations can be penalised. This may mean paying hefty fines or even business closure.

In addition, having employees who completed a working at heights course can help companies save. By preventing falls, they avoid paying expensive work injury claims and other compensations awarded to employees who met an accident in their workplace.

It can also make the entire workforce feel safer and happier, and this can significantly impact their productivity.

Studies show that employee productivity goes up when they feel safer at work. Increased productivity translates to better profits which is what every company aspires for.

Working at heights is undeniably dangerous. However, when employers and employees abide by the regulations and make safety a priority, injuries and deaths associated with falls from heights can be minimized and even eliminated.

Are you looking for a top-rated working at heights course in Dublin? iSafe are the trusted health and safety training provider of many companies in Ireland. Visit our website or call us now at +35342 941 9900 or +35385 124 5555 to know our training schedules.